Our Dogs are for Life and Christmas!

Feb 17, 2023

When we first introduced our Jack Russell Necklaces last August, we didn't expect them to cause quite a stir! But they quickly became one of our bestselling pieces of jewellery and one look at those faces, it's easy to see why.

I decided to create the little terrier in tribute to my own Jack Russell 'Lucy' who lived with us when I was growing up. She was quite a character with a personality much larger than her tiny frame!

The reviews from our Christmas orders continue to appear on Trustpilot and it is so satisfying to hear that our silver necklaces made extra special gifts.

We are busy adding to our silver dog collection and are currently working on much requested breeds. The first of these should be available towards the end of March and I can't wait to hear what you think.

Meet our full range of dog jewellery